Amy Burczyk
Lynchburg, Va.
Born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Amy moved to Virginia about five years ago. She is a painter, an interior designer, a project manager for LG Flint General Contractors, and a mother of three. Amy has been painting since childhood and her shows have spanned the state of Virginia and Wisconsin.
Her earliest memories are of crayons and paints, and then that of an art teacher who inspired so many “aha moments”, that it awoke a deep appreciation for imagination and the use of art to heal.
The work she does now is a reaction to the transitions that her life has taken. She addresses loss, separation, fear, aggressions, confusion, relationships, joy and love.
Amy uses characters like the polar bear so that many can empathize, like we did as kids - polar bears are cute, but fierce; strong, but on the verge of extinction.
Her artwork is thick with symbolism and imagery that invite strangers to look deep into her life story and dare to relate. It’s a coping mechanism and a social experiment. A lens and a mirror. Whimsy and hope derived from real life strife and upheaval.
“We all walk that line,” we want to know that we will be here forever, but every one of us at some point is that polar bear.”