Angus Carter

Angus Carter




The intent of my work has never been to translate a clear vision into paint but more to strip away the veil of consciousness and allow the recesses of the back of the mind to take hold. Abandoning formal thoughts, forms develop from there, slowly taking shape and illuminating thoughts that are often vague in my waking mind. Often those ideas manifest themselves in chaotic forms and abstract figures, that mirror my sense of disconnection and disillusionment with the world at large. As I proceed deeper into it, my work becomes a world where I don’t know what’s going on anymore. A world struggling between idealism and harsh realities. One where childlike figures intermingle with macabre forms, in a disjointed dance upon the canvas. A world that simultaneously embodies all my hopes, dreams, and aspirations along with my fears, insecurities, and failures and one that I’m still trying to reconcile and make sense of as I create it.