Sallie Sydnor

Sallie Sydnor

Sallie Sydnor

Colorful, Landscape, Beauty

Lynchburg, Virginia

It started in church. My Dad, a Presbyterian minister, would drone on and on every Sunday from the pulpit, while his attentive family (Mom, sister Martha, and moi) would sit in rapt attention. Except that I would actually be scribbling furiously in the margins of the bulletin, drawing every shape and object that might pop into my mind. The art stuck, but not so much the sermons!

As soon as I could hold a pencil I was hooked. The ability to put what I saw in the world onto a piece of paper consumed me. Light, color and the beauty of everyday objects and situations fill my head. Beyond working with oils, collage has opened the blended world of paint, printed papers and found objects for me. So much fun.

The beauty of it all is that there is no limit to it. Now as a more senior person, I have the time to study, read, visit workshops, and practice. Always more practice, but a labor of love. Bring it on!

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